Faith, Future, Fellowship: Empowering Young Believers in Pursuit of Excellence

C.O.R.E. Bible Discussion
Wednesdays at UNCG, A&T and WSSU
Location and Times TBD
Thursday Night Bible Study @ 7:30PM
2207A East Cone Boulevard
Greensboro, NC 27405
C.O.R.E. College Dinner
Every 4th Sunday immediaely after service
All About C.O.R.E.
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!
What is C.O.R.E.?
C.O.R.E. stands as Evangel Fellowship Church’s dynamic student group, specially tailored for college students seeking to deepen and sustain a nurturing relationship with God amidst their academic journeys.
How often does C.O.R.E. meet?
CORE Students meet weekly for bible discussions and every 4th Sundays for College Dinner.
Are their bible discussions available at my college?
Bible discussions are currently available at A&T, UNCG and WSSU.
Will food be available?
Food may not be available during bible discussions, but will be available at the CORE College Dinner every 4th Sundays immediately following 10AM morning service.